Latest Episodes

Episode 12
July 10, 2022
Brain Hemisphere Sync
Brain coherence creates homeostasis in your central nervous system and allows for more flexibility in thinking. You are able to draw upon the strengths...

Episode 1
August 07, 2023
Morning Ragas For Meditation
Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of...

Episode 2
August 17, 2023
Afternoon Ragas For Meditation
Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of...

Episode 3
August 29, 2023
Night Ragas For Meditation
Gandharva Veda music is said to attune the mind and body with the cycles of nature. The melodies are played at different times of...

Episode 4
September 22, 2023
Flute Meditation Music
Swami Haridas sang this raga to bring Lord Krishna from heaven to earth. Since Lord Krishna represents wisdom, energy and positive emotions, this raga...